Our specialist knowledge was needed to transport 60 tonnes of climate-controlled semiconductor materials from 日本 to 马来西亚.

Moving 60 tonnes of semiconductor materials

Our specialist knowledge was needed to help fly 60 tonnes of climate-controlled semiconductor materials from 日本 to 马来西亚. The sensitive cargo was still under production when we received the request, so a flexible solution was needed to ensure it could be delivered within a week of completion.


Route: Narita > Kuala Lumpur > Kuching


We knew a Boeing B747 F-type was the best option for a shipment of this nature 和 volume. With none available registered in 日本 or 马来西亚, we sourced one from an American airline operating under Seventh Freedom traffic rights.

The client wanted to fly the first consignment direct from 日本 to 马来西亚, collecting a second shipment en route in Kuala Lumpur before delivering them both in Kuching.

We needed permission to consolidate cargo from two shippers on one flight from 日本, as well as to operate a cabotage flight in 马来西亚 for the second leg of the charter from Kuala Lumpur. Our specialist team worked closely with all stakeholders 和 each country’s aviation authority to secure the necessary permits.


Rapid Response: Thanks to our broker’s experience with the required routing, we provided a solution within 24 hours of receiving this complex request.

24/7 Communication: We worked closely with the carrier 和 shippers to quickly overcome any logistical challenges that arose, providing the client with real-time updates throughout.

Unrivalled Expertise: When an AOG issue pushed back the charter’s departure, we worked to minimise the delay 和 ensured the sensitive cargo was kept at a controlled temperature.


  • 专门的客户经理
  • 没有义务
  • 30年以上工作经验
  • 可用的24/7

